Car Accident FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
After being injured in a car accident in the state of Missouri you will undoubtedly have many questions. Therefore, we have taken the time to assemble a list of some of the questions we receive most frequently from accident victims that seek out our firm for help. Below, you will find answers to some of the same questions that you may have. If you still have questions after reviewing the FAQs we've provided then we encourage you to contact a West Plains injury attorney at our office to learn more.
Answers From a West Plains Car Accident Lawyer
What can an attorney do for me that I can't do on my own?
The legal process is a complicated one, and it should not be addressed by anyone other than a legal professional. While you can technically forego your right to legal representation and instead attempt to file a claim or address a matter in court on your own, the benefits to doing so are slim. You stand a much better chance of recovering the compensation you need to make a full recovery when you obtain a legal professional for your representation. Under the guidance of an associate from our firm, you will be better able to accurately file your injury claim, pursue a matter in court and more.
How much will legal representation cost me?
There is no definitive answer to this question. However, the fees for hiring an attorney at our firm are not only affordable, they also beat out many of our competitors. At Henry, Williams & Kinder, P.C. we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you won't pay a dime unless we are successful in recovering compensation for you. Most often, we work on a percentage that is approximately 1/3 of your total earnings, but that number can be adjusted depending on the circumstances of your case. We are willing to work with you, so do not hesitate to call us to further discuss your payment options and how you can afford legal representation.
How much time do I have to file a claim after my accident?
There are specific time limits for bringing a car accident claim before the legal system. Therefore, it is best to act as soon as possible after being injured in any type of auto collision. All legal claims are governed by a Statute of Limitations depicting how long you have to file. The time period allotted to you will depend on the type of accident in which you were involved. The sooner you consult with an attorney, the better chance you have at successfully filing and obtaining the compensation you need and deserve.
How do I know how much my case is worth?
No two cases are exactly alike, which means it will be difficult to tell you off the bat the worth of your case. Depending on the circumstances of your injury accident, particularly looking at liability and damages, your case may range on a spectrum of value. To determine the worth of your case, we will evaluate the circumstances surrounding your accident and injury and go from there.
Is it wise to provide a recorded statement to the insurance adjustor?
Almost always, the answer to this question is no. A claims adjustor is working on behalf of the party responsible for you injury accident. As such, they will attempt to use anything you say against you. Before talking to anyone else - especially an insurance employee - you should first seek out the representation of a legal professional. Still have questions?
Contact a West Plains, MO car accident lawyer from our office to learn more!
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All Consultations Are Free & ConfidentialWith 80+ years of experience, our dedicated legal team has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients.